Water Nature's Magician

Are you getting your fair share

"The world's cheapest miracle cure"

"Your body cries out for water"

Nature's greatest medicine: it costs next
to nothing...and you have it right in your home...

Dehydration may contribute to many chronic diseases

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj author of the book entitled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" explain how lack of water may be one of the causes of many chronic diseases and he cites dozens of prominent studies backing up his claims.

Keep in mind, you're composed primarily of water-it's about 80 percent of your body weight. Water governs all your functions, from your brain right down to your immune-system strength. It seems obvious then that a lack of water would seriously harm the efficiency and effectiveness of your body's various systems.

Take rheumatoid arthritis, for example. When bones meet at a joint, they're protected by a
cushion of cartilage filled with water. If the protection isn't there, the bones rub against one
another, causing serious damage and excruciating pain. But what happens if the water inside the cushion is low, because the person isn't drinking enough of it? Well, the cartilage at that joint rubs away, and soon the cushion is gone and the bones are unprotected.

But don't just guzzle two liters of water in one sitting. There's a bit more to it than that.

How to drink for maximum effectiveness

Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends two eight-ounce glasses of water after getting up in the
morning (you've just gone eight hours without fluids). You also need to drink a glass one half hour before each meal and another two hours after meals.

Drinking water with your meal actually impeds your digestion buy reducing stomach acids. Your Mother was right to tell you not to drink untill you have eaten your meal. But we still recommend waiting until the digestive process is well underway.

Another two glasses of water is recommended taken before going to bed or if that keeps you up all night running to the bathroom you can take a glass with you and have it on your bedside table for sips during the night.

You also need to drink anytime you feel thirsty.

Alcohol and caffeine both drain you of more fluid than you take in by drinking them and juice soup and moist friuts like watermellon do not substitute for good clean water.

If you really want to have a glass of wine or a cup of tea, make
sure to drink extra water to replace the fluid you'll lose by consuming them.

the quality of the water you are drinking is also very important, clorine and polutants in the water will reduce the benifits and may contribute to health problems.


Drinking lots of water reduces salt which may be benificial for people with a high socium intake or those who have needed to reduce their salt intake. But salt is an essential mineral, and may get washed out when you raise your water consumption. For this reason, Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends that for the average person with out dietary salt issues for every 10 glasses of water you drink each day, you should increase your salt intake by half a teaspoon.

So wouldn't you agree that water is the world's cheapest miracle cure